Gareth Bennet, 29
I am Mr Gareth Bennett, a 29 year old soldier who dislocated my right knee and required a multiple ligament reconstruction
The injury happened while playing football for the military, I hyper extended my right leg to the point of dislocation and then twisted as I came to the ground resulting in a grade 3 tear to my ACL and LCL (which required artificial replacements), a severed peroneal nerve, damage to both the PCL and MCL (which required hamstring grafts) and damage to the lateral meniscus cartilage and torn muscles.
I injured myself on the 1st of October 2014, I received an arthroscopy on the 14th October and a reconstruction on the 24th October and my 6 week check was on the 9th December, to which I was able to walk without crutches or a leg brace with ease (less for the nerve damage which resulted in drop foot) and the knee was completely stable and my recovery well ahead of schedule.
I would again like to thank Mr Qureshi for what he has done for me
Thanks again.
Mr Gareth Bennett