A top knee surgeon has said more action should be taken to improve health and fitness among Asian people in the UK - and reduce pressure on healthcare services.
Amir Qureshi, a consultant knee and limb reconstruction surgeon, said many Asian people suffered from knee pain and bone problems and a “multitude of factors” were responsible.
He is now calling on the Asian community, community groups and councils, fitness providers and healthcare experts to work together to improve education and opportunities.
“A lot of Asian people suffer from knee pain and bone problems,” said Mr Qureshi, who is based at University Hospital Southampton.
“There are a multitude of factors behind this and I want the Asian society to begin tackling these so we can not only improve the health and fitness of Asian people but also relieve pressure on healthcare services.”
Mr Qureshi said the long-established issue of a lack a vitamin D caused by reduced exposure to sunlight through skin and nutritional aspects such as the use of unleavened bread (chapatis) was still a “significant problem”.
However, he said barriers to accessing gyms and personal trainers, as well as fitness sessions, “remains problematic” and has a “negative effect” on the health of Asian people.
According to the Active Lives Survey, 25% of people aged 16 years and over in England were categorised as ‘physically inactive’ – less than 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week - in 2017-18.
People from Asian, Black and Other ethnic groups were more likely to be physically inactive than those from the White British, White other and Mixed ethnic groups.
“Accessing exercise facilities or classes remains problematic and the tendency can be to not do anything due to these barriers - having a negative effect on health,” said Mr Qureshi.
“This can be due to some cultures and religions needing single sex gyms and same sex personal trainers, so I would certainly encourage more ethnic minority personal trainers to help combat this.
“I would also like to see fitness providers, community groups and councils work together to think about how we can deliver ethnically-sensitive sessions to cater for the Asian population who might otherwise go on to develop various health problems.”
He added: “In addition, vitamin D supplementation should be discussed with a healthcare professional but it should be encouraged, especially over the winter months.”
Mr Qureshi, also of Spire Southampton and Nuffield Health Wessex hospitals, said the interim solution was to ensure Asian people take up exercise at home.
“We are where we are at the moment, so it makes it even more essential to highlight the importance of exercising at home or in their local area - jogging, walking, park sports, cycling - to maintain muscle and functionality.
“This extends to people of all ages and comes at no monetary cost either, so it is a cost-effective and simple measure to ensure that, while all of the necessary provisions may not be in place to meet the specific needs of Asian people, they can still take action independently.”